The Finch CHERRY BOMB, Our Best Flipper and Gift Pocketknife: A Point to Point Review.

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Often, especially in the winters and early springs, we would arrange for a point to point walk, not turning aside for anything–for instance, swimming Rock Creek or even the Potomac if it came in our way.

– Theodore Roosevelt

Autobiography p. 45

There are certain things you love as soon as you meet them. 

For me, when I met my sons for the first time in the delivery room it wasn’t a question, I just loved them. When I met my girls, the dogs that is, it was similar. They fell asleep in my arms, and the deal was sealed.

Every once in a while a physical possession comes along where a similar thing happens. It is clear from the start that it is going to be one of those rare things that you somehow know—as a result of some combination of its quality, aesthetics, and style—will be a constant companion going forward.

The Finch Knife Company’s CHERRY BOMB is one of those objects for me.

On a Point to Point

The day after I received the CHERRY BOMB, I slid it into my pocket, hooking the clip snugly onto the fabric edge of my jeans and took the girls out into the woods for a Point to Point walk. It was 5:30 am, and we hiked for at least an hour. I took the knife out a number of times during the walk, and it was solid in my hand, and the darkness focused my attention on how the knife felt. It was substantial, smooth, and I could feel interesting angles and features. I could see the reflections from my headlamp on the highly polished steel, and the lume glowed and brought out the handsome FINCH logo.

I found several chances to use the blade, on a stick, and on the wrapper of a snack I had in my pocket. It functioned fluidly and effortlessly, seeming to express a desire to be used more to its potential, like an elephant cracking a peanut in its jaws.

Counter to my childhood training to never walk with a knife open, I couldn’t help but practice flipping the knife open and closed while I walked. It was a satisfying experience to hear the measured click of the knife as my thumb pulled it open. And it turned out all right.

Closer Examination

Once I returned home, I returned to my desk where I had unboxed the knife the previous evening. The box itself is attractive and solid, and has the FINCH slogan on the side. Along with the knife holder, there were two color decals included, representing the “flipping the finch” slogan, as well as a “CHERRY BOMB.”  There also was a Band-Aid (more on that later).

The Blade

The blade of the knife is the perfect length for executing small tasks. For an average hand the knife lays in the palm and flips open without strain. For a right-handed person, closing the knife requires a simple depression of the thumb’s edge on the lock after it is laid on the small dip in the margin of the handle. The mechanism is easy to manipulate, and a coordinated hand can do this without incident. For a left hander, a slower approach may help as you summon the small bit of coordination necessary to implement the opening. With less care or patience on the first few times you put the CHERRY BOMB through the paces, you may experience firsthand, as I did, the sharpness of the blade. Enter the aforementioned Band-Aid.

The shape of the blade is distinctive and its matching curves create a pointed shape that evokes the early stages of an onion dome, like those on the top of an Orthodox cathedral. While the lines are not as curvilinear as those domes in life, they create a shape that is similarly unique and pleasing to the eye.

The Design

One of the most appealing and interesting aspects of the design of the CHERRY BOMB is its calculated asymmetry. Many knives, of course, have two opposite scales that are basically symmetrical, save for a small logo. 

On the CHERRY BOMB, one side of the case has the hard resin and lumed, sapphire covered FINCH logo. The opposite side of the knife case has the titanium clip, and the rectangular steel depression bar. Together these elements give the knife a very different attitude depending on which side is being viewed, and both are excellent. One is more sleek and formal, the other side is utilitarian.

The CHERRY BOMB comes with scales in either cherry red or smoke. The more colorful selection evokes fire and brimstone, of course, but to me the smoke so nicely echoes the asymmetry and nature of the knife that it is slightly more intriguing as a long-term companion. The smoke scales are understated, mysterious, and unique to each individual knife.

Another subtle feature of the knife is the interplay between the subtle hue and finish on the titanium clip and the polished steel blade. The clip is slightly more gray, and sits unobtrusively on the scale, whereas the polished steel stands out. Even in its young life, my CHERRY BOMB has already shown a similar richness in the way that it exhibits patina on the two metals. The new and almost undetectable markings on the steel are generally fine and threadlike, whereas the titanium marks are geometric and seem carefully stated. I look forward to my use continuing to develop this process, which makes every knife more connected to its owner.

Ultimately, there is no question that the CHERRY BOMB is an outstanding choice for a Point to Point walk in the city, countryside, or deep woods.

I have a lot of knives, and have gawked at many more. This one stands out from the pack with its design and functionality, and will be my go to blade on Point-to-Point walks going forward.

Point to Point Ratings (3 point scale)

Quality:  3.0 +

Value:  3.0 +

Function:  3.0 +

Style:  3.0 +++

Point to Point Review Key:

Quality – Made with care, lasts its lifetime.

Value – Costs an honest dollar, has meaning.

Function – Does. Its. Job.

Style – Like Jusserand’s gloves, makes no apologies for looking good.

1 = subpar. 

2 = solid. 

3 = exceptional.

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