Goodyear Welt Style, with Wyatt Gilmore at Grant Stone Shoes and Boots

Today On the Dogwatch we are joined by Wyatt Gilmore, CEO of Grant Stone, a company devoted to making high-quality Goodyear welt shoes and boots. Wyatt literally had shoes in his family, but early in life tried his hand at becoming a motocross racer. After that had run its course, Wyatt began to work his way up through position in the production of shoes and boots. He moved to China for what was supposed to be a short visit but turned out to be years. Wyatt eventually returned to the US and helped found Grant Stone. In our conversation, Wyatt tells us how to get a good fit in a pair of boots, the importance of width as an element in getting the proper shoe for your foot, and how a well-made boot can create a level of support, comfort and durability that is unmatched by the more cushiony options. Ultimately, we have an opportunity to talk with Wyatt about what makes stylish and properly fitting footwear.

I am grateful for all of the support we get from listeners here On the Dogwatch, and wanted to give a particular thanks superfans Lori and Leif. If you enjoy the show, please take a moment to write a review on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, and to share it with a friend as it helps us get the word out about the podcast.


Thanks also to Ben at the Stitchdown Podcast for organizing the Patina Thunderdome, a shoe and boot wearing patina event. You start with a new pair of shoes or boots and then document how they patina over six months, and there are incredible prizes at the end. I’ve got a horse in the race, and I’ll certainly post my progress.

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